Friday, December 7, 2012

Do-It-Yourself Water Extraction Versus Professional Service

Nobody wants to go through the hassle of having to deal with water damage, especially in cases where the flooding has been occurring for some time and the damage has already been done to the property. Obviously in these types of situations, the ideal solution is to call a professional water damage firm and have them sort out all of the details as far as what would be involved in restoring everything back to normal. In severe cases such as Class 3 and above, there are usually actions beyond extraction that need to be taken: cabinets need to be rebuilt, drywall needs to be replaced, carpet needs to be redone and so on. But what about smaller water damage scenarios, or situations where you may be able to take action as the flooding is happening?

In these situations, the first question that comes up in your mind would probably be: "do I really need to hire a professional for this?" As everyone knows, water damage restoration firms do not come cheap, and many home insurance policies have a deductible that needs to be met before any type of claim is paid out. For a small toilet or kitchen flood, particularly when it's Category 1 clean water, calling a professional can be a costly and ineffective way to fix the problem. Since water extraction equipment and fans can usually be rented for a fraction of the price of hiring a professional, many homeowners may consider a do-it-yourself approach to save money and time.

However, when it comes to water, there are many factors that need to be kept in mind to ensure that the job is done right and prevent issues in the future, particularly when it comes to mold damage. Let's go over some of the basic considerations when weighing the merits of a DIY and professional approach:

1. Evaluate the extent of the damage. This should go without saying, but the very first step would be to see how bad the situation is. If the leak is Category 2 or 3, meaning the water is infected or toxic, a self-restoration will be extremely dangerous to do on your own. On the other hand, Category 1 clean water flooding can probably be handled, provided that there is not a prohibitive amount of water. A relatively small leak (typically Class 1 and possibly 2) in a bathroom or kitchen can most likely be handled with some attention to detail and the proper equipment.

2. Extract as much water as possible. Once the source of the leak is identified, the first step is to remove the water supply, usually by shutting off that particular valve or the water main if needed. With the leak stemmed, the first steps can be taken to remove as much water as possible from the site. This is usually accomplished through a number of means ranging from crude to specialized, but keep in mind that consumer-grade equipment such as a Shopvac or vacuum will simply not be enough to get the job done properly. Also, the type of flooring that houses the water plays a big factor into how difficult extraction will be. Solid surfaces such as tile are usually very easy to deal with, while carpet and wood become exponentially more involved.

3. Map out the areas of moisture. This step is critical in making sure everything is dried out to leave no room for future mold damage. In order to create a moisture map, you will need to obtain a moisture meter and plot out all affected areas in a floor plan. Professionals typically simplify this process by using specialized equipment that detects and maps the moisture automatically. If this step is neglected, the water damage can come back to haunt you in the form of rotting drywall or wooden beams.

4. Dehumidify the environment. The last crucial component to proper restoration and dryout is to remove the excessive moisture from the surrounding air. After water evaporates, it will continue to linger in the area unless you use ventilation to circulate the air or desiccants that absorb the humidity. This step is also one that requires a proper balance of technique between air movement and drying; if improperly treated, the result will be mold growth that will require much more work and expense to remediate.

These are just some of the basic guidelines involved in a proper water damage dryout. As you can see, even small jobs can be deceptively complicated and oftentimes the small details that get overlooked can be what proves to make the difference between a professional job and an incomplete one. Please be advised that if you do decide to go through with your own restoration effort, the steps listed above are just the tip of the iceberg and that there are many more aspects to keep in mind before you should attempt to begin. Proper research will be required so that the dryout does not end up being more costly in the end, so be sure to evaluate all your options to decide if you really can save money by going the do-it-yourself route.

Home Decoration And DIY   Home Decoration And DIY   

What to Do With Old CD Cassettes and Video Tapes

You just went through some old storage and realized you have tons of unwanted CD Cassettes or video tapes lying around. What can you do? This article reveals some ideas on what you can do with those unwanted items. Although people barely use video tapes or cassettes these days, there are plenty of ways to recycle or use them in creative ways, rather than simply throwing them into the trash can.

The first idea would be to check your local donation or thrift stores and check if they are wiling to accept your unwanted belongings. From time to time, people will definitely check out those stores to reminisce those old days when CD cassettes and video tapes were the popular trends. By donating to these stores (if they accept them), you will be giving them away for a good cause!

The second idea would be to use them as house decor. For example, you can stick many cassettes along the corridor wall to form a creative wallpaper. People would be impressed by your creativity. They can have a look at each CD and check if they have seen each one or not. Of course, this would probably require a lot of CD cassettes but it does not necessarily have to be along the corridor. You may only need a few to form fun cassette patterns in your bedroom. Your creative boundaries are limitless!

Another idea would be to turn them into an artful furniture piece. Again, this means you would need a lot of cassettes or tapes. For example, you can stack them together to form table legs. Perhaps you can also stack many CDs to form a creative flower vase. There are plenty of ideas lying around online.

If none of the above ideas work for you, please keep in mind that some of these items are not suitable for the bin. It can cause a lot of harm to the environment if they are not disposed properly. Another option would be to check out the local flea market and check if any of the vendors are willing to take your items into storage. Before you give them away, make sure you check each one. Who knows? Some of these disks or video tapes may become valuable in the near or far future.

If the video content is important, there are some ways to transfer the content from the old cassette to your computer.

Home Decoration And DIY   Home Decoration And DIY   

Ceiling Fans Save Home Energy All Year Long

If you have ceiling fans installed in your home, you already know how they enhance any decor and how well they cool down rooms. But fans have many more benefits as well, especially when you consider the cost savings and how ceiling fans save home energy-in every season.

As a homeowner you may be used to switching on your fans in the spring when it begins to get warm, and then turning them off in favor of central air conditioning when the heat of summer hits. If this sounds familiar, you should consider how ceiling fans can be used in summer months to save energy in the home.

Running your fans in a counter-clockwise direction during summer months provides the best energy savings. Powerful motors from premier manufacturers are designed to efficiently move more cubic feet of air per minute, making a room feel much cooler because of the circulatory breeze. Fans with these high performance motors use about as much electricity as a 100-watt light bulb even on the fan's highest speed, saving energy and money while still providing exceptional air comfort. As long as the outside temperature isn't too high, you may be able to turn off your air conditioner, open a few windows, and allow the fan to circulate air that can make you feel up to eight degrees cooler and reduce your air conditioning bills by 40% or more.

If the outside temperature does rise very high, you can use air conditioning and fans together. When a fan is working, the air conditioner doesn't have to work as hard and yet the room can stay perfectly comfortable. You can save home energy and reduce costs by raising your A/C settings up to 12 degrees as long as your ceiling fan is running at the same time. The air is just as pleasant at the higher A/C settings since the fan circulates the cool air around the room.

The home energy savings of ceiling fans doesn't end when summer ends. Many homeowners simply turn off their ceiling fans when it gets cold, assuming that they're only useful to cool down rooms. In fact, by simply running your fan in a clockwise direction, you can reduce heating costs by around 10% or more by offsetting the HVAC workload. Since warm air is lighter than cool air and warm air is nearest the ceiling, they push warm air up against the ceiling and then down the walls. This recirculates warm air throughout each of your rooms without causing a cooling breeze.

Install a Ceiling Fan to Save Home Energy To get the most cost and energy savings out of your ceiling fans you must first ensure that they're installed correctly. If you have a large home, you may need to install several fans placed strategically in key locations that will most effectively move air. For the best air flow you want to install the fan so that the blades are seven to ten feet from the floor, with at least eighteen inches from the nearest wall for optimal performance. If you are unsure, a reputable ceiling fan store with experienced staff should be able to provide expert advice.

Energy Star Ceiling Fans Compared to conventional fans, Energy Star fans are 75% more efficient, circulating 15 to 20% more air and producing 70% less heat. Energy Star fans with lights also use compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) that last up to ten times longer than incandescent light bulbs.

Fans Reduce Costs and Save Energy in the Home When used properly, high performance ceiling fans and Energy Star fans can save you money in any season-up to 40% in air conditioning costs and as much as 10% in heating costs. You can "go green" without sacrificing one degree of comfort and even save money at the same time.

Home Decoration And DIY   Home Decoration And DIY   

What is Podcasting For Business Marketing?

With all of the talk of marketing done by podcasting, many marketers are wondering just what is podcasting and how can it be used to bring in customers. With online marketing, there are many different ways to be established as an expert in a particular subject matter and to become well known within that online field. Using several different types of media, including social networking, blogs and websites can get a marketing message out to a wide sphere of customers.

Podcasting is another of these online marketing tools.

Exactly What is Podcasting?

Podcasting is a way of delivering audio content online through an RSS feed. Podcasting is similar to the radio-on-demand sites that allow anyone to listen to audio files online. But, with podcasting, there is more variability and customization available. A podcast may begin at a certain time, but it can be listened to later at any time that the listener chooses.

Using Podcasts for Marketing

Listening to a podcast is a popular alternative to simply reading information on a page. It gives information a personal feel and can deliver entertainment at the same time. With podcasting, listeners can see the faces behind the website.

Poscasts are often used for attracting more readers to a website. By scheduling a live podcast and telling people in advance when the podcast will air, people are drawn to the site to hear the message. By scheduling regular podcasts, such as one per week, they will gain a following.

Gain Credibility

One of the most useful aspects of using a podcast for marketing is that hearing the person's voice as they discuss the topic gives the speaker a credibility that is hard to get through test alone. The audio files are listened to much like a news broadcast would be, and they are a great way to earn quick respect as someone who is knowledgeable about the topic.

When deciding what is podcasting, think of information that can be made engaging and entertaining. Consider interviewing another authority on the subject so that readers hear the questions that they may have answered. Vary the content of each episode so that listeners to will tune in to the next one to see what else will be covered.

Make the broadcast personal by introducing yourself and talking about your experience with the subject matter at the beginning of each file. This will encourage loyalty and a familiarity that will bring listeners back over and over.

10 Ways a Podcast Can Build Your Business   How to Use Podcasting to Gain Authority For Your Business - Part Two   6 Tips to Eliminate Background Noise in Your Podcast   How Simple Podcasts Add Value to Your Small Business Website   

New Homes From Expert Builders

Buying a new home is probably one of the biggest decisions you'll ever make in your life. In many cases a mortgage and a home end up being a longer commitment than children and often even a job.

Buying a new home from expert builders of course means you can be assured you are getting something that is quality and so will withstand the test of time - very important.

Homes are made from so many different parts and there is so much relying on everything else that having a home that is greater than the sum of its parts is very important. From foundation to the roof, every part of a home is important and has to be built with knowhow, skill and care.

If you're buying a new jacket you wouldn't expect it to have frayed tailoring and other issues. This is the same case with a home and so you should always be sure to purchase it from reputable builders.

Experience and longevity of builders is often a good sign of the company's success over a period of time. Many builders come and go, but it usually only the ones that offer the strongest and best service that survive.

Like anything of such size and complexity, there are often issues. However a builder will provide a snag list to overlook the home and ensure that any problems are mended and the house is up to standard.

Through, the use of a good, high end builders you can be assured this is the case and your home is up to scratch. Quality builders will have their own qualified people for the job, or often outsource to high end companies that are tried and tested in a specific area.

Green homes can make a great investment currently and with a wide range of high quality individuals and builders available to add those green energy and insulation solutions, you can get exactly what you require from geo-thermal energy to high performing insulation. There's much to be said for using builders who know what they're doing in this area. Of course, in the long run this can also mean significant savings and really lower the incidence of bills in your new home.

Of course, now is the time to buy a home. With demand faltering due to the issues of getting a mortgage homes are at a very reasonable rate. Purchasing a home while the economy is in a trough means that you get great value and when things get better economically, you've purchased at a great time.

New homes of course make for few renovation costs and also mean that you are getting a high quality product you won't have to spend money on.

So, for those looking to save money, make the most of the current climate and get a home that's right up to their specs, we'd advise a top end expert builders for your new home.

Why Should You Use A Residential Architect?   Should You Buy A Model Home?   5 Questions to Ask a Custom Home Builder   Choosing the Right Architect for Your Project.   

Why It Is Important To Know The International Residential Code

It is never a waste of time or money to learn and know the basics and requirements of a dwelling or townhouse construction well. One should know that when it comes to construction of one and two family dwellings, it must comply with the international residential code; but what exactly is in a residential code?

This code composes all mechanical, plumbing, building, electrical and fuel gas requirements or regulations for family residences of three stories or less. The international residential code works to help most people because it provides you a prescriptive system on how to build one's walls or install the roof.

In international residential code, when you say prescriptive approach or method it means there is a general prescribed way to build something and it works in most situations. These approaches are like one size fits all shirts.

International residential code also encourages one to conserve energy through cost-effectiveness in lighting systems, envelope design, mechanical systems and the use of new materials and techniques. However, the book comprises the latest updates and several significant changes; these changes and some new features are also found in the 2012 international residential code book.

So if you are seeking a concrete understanding of the latest updates in these codes, this book is for you. This book comprises several significant changes including prescriptive provisions for the isolated masonry pier foundations that support raised floor systems construction, a new wind map that charts areas that requires a design to hold off wind forces and a new map that determines wind borne debris regions.

It is also important that before we do any home improvement projects or remodeling in our homes, we must make sure that we have complied with the standards of 2012 international residential code. Generally, the code requires one to have a building permit when there's an improvement or remodeling required in one's home. This is so to prevent one from having costly repairs and safety issues. You need a building permit should you wish to do major repairs or replacement to furnaces, gas and plumbing pipes, water heaters and air conditioners. You will also need a permit for major changes to the electrical system such as moving lights or receptacles and adding new circuits. Also with new building construction, new plumbing, heating, air conditioning equipment and electrical installation, replacement of exterior wall coverings and roof coverings and changes to building occupancy.

In addition, the residential code has energy related components that promotes energy conservation. This is to make sure that everything you use in building a residence does not further harm the environment, and the building itself makes a big contribution in saving energy. This code encourages every home dweller to live green by making their homes environmentally friendly and energy-saver at the same time.

Why Should You Use A Residential Architect?   Should You Buy A Model Home?   5 Questions to Ask a Custom Home Builder   Choosing the Right Architect for Your Project.   Kitset Home - Are You Ready to Live in a Kitset Home?   

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